Fewer Garbage Trucks on the Streets, Thanks to Robots
The city of Helsingborg, in partnership with Nordvästra Skånes Renhållnings AB and Robot Minds, plans to introduce a trash-collecting robot, according to a press release.
The Rolling Robot Revolution
This rolling robot is designed to collect garbage from environmental rooms in commercial buildings and residential houses, then transport it to a collection point. From there, conventional garbage trucks take over, hauling the trash to a waste facility. The system’s benefits are manifold: residents won’t be disturbed by noisy, obstructive garbage trucks. It’ll also reduce emissions and minimize the risk of accidents.
Funding and Timeline
The trash-collecting robots in Helsingborg have secured funding of 2.8 million Swedish kronor from the Swedish Innovation Agency, Vinnova. The project is set to kick off this summer and run for two years.
To wrap things up, it seems the robots are not only coming to take our jobs but our trash as well. Now, that’s what I call a clean sweep!
Source: Feber.se
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