Unexpected Strip Show During Super Mario Bros. Movie Screening
In a twist that would make even Bowser blush, an English schoolchildren’s screening of the Super Mario Bros. Movie was interrupted by an image of a scantily clad woman. The image, which was as out of place as a piranha plant in a warp pipe, stayed on the cinema screen for several seconds before being removed.
"Sorry for the Boob-Boos!"
The cinema, in a move as surprising as finding a mushroom in a question box, took to their Facebook page to apologise for the incident. They described the occurrence as unfortunate and are now working with the police to figure out what happened. They also extended their apologies to all those affected by these terrible events.
In conclusion, it seems like this cinema got a little more than they bargained for with their screening of the Super Mario Bros. Movie. It’s safe to say they won’t be winning any star power-ups for their performance.
Source: Feber.se
Related Links: Super Mario Bros., Super Mario, Super Mario Bros. Movie
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