House Speaker Goes Green: A Trillion Trees and Less Gas
Well, folks, it seems our House Speaker has been hit with a sudden wave of environmental consciousness. In a move that has left us all a little green around the gills, the Speaker has called for the planting of a trillion trees and addressing gas emissions. Yes, you heard it right, a trillion trees. That’s a one followed by 12 zeros, in case you were wondering.
From Politics to Botany
It’s always heartwarming to see our politicians branching out into new fields. And what could be more fitting than botany for our dear House Speaker? After all, it’s all about growth, nurturing, and occasionally, dealing with a lot of manure.
“We need to plant a trillion trees,” the Speaker declared, presumably after a long night of watching nature documentaries. “And we need to address gas emissions.”
Well, we can’t argue with that. Who doesn’t love a good tree? And as for gas emissions, well, we’ve all been in an elevator when someone decides to ‘address’ their own personal emissions. It’s high time we took this issue seriously.
A Trillion Trees: The Logistics
But let’s get back to the trillion trees. Just to put that into perspective, if we were to line up a trillion saplings end to end, they would stretch from here to the moon and back. Twice. And that’s not even taking into account the space needed for roots, branches, and the occasional treehouse.
But hey, who are we to question the wisdom of our elected officials? If the House Speaker says we need a trillion trees, then by golly, we’ll get those shovels ready.
Addressing Gas Emissions: A Silent but Deadly Issue
As for the gas emissions, well, that’s a whole other kettle of fish. Or should we say, a whole other can of beans? Either way, it’s clear that our House Speaker is taking this issue very seriously. After all, nothing says ‘I care about the environment’ like a good old-fashioned war on flatulence.
So there you have it, folks. A trillion trees and less gas. It’s a bold vision, and one that we can all get behind. Or at least, stand upwind of.
“Planting trees, cutting gas, saving the world, in first class.
House Speaker’s got the plan, gonna make it green, yes we can.
A trillion trees, that’s the goal, saving Earth, that’s the toll.
So grab a shovel, plant a seed, let’s give Mother Nature what she need.”
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